REDCapDM 0.9-9
Bug fixes
- Added an informative message to the redcap_data() function when it is unable to replicate the factor version of a variable. This only applies to cases where the user is reading the data via an API connection. [Issue #7 in github]
- Added an informative message to the redcap_data() function when someone tries to use another type of file in the data_path argument instead of an R file. [Issue #7 in github]
REDCapDM 0.9-8
Bug fixes
- Added an informative message to the redcap_data() function when someone tries to use a URI without specifying the token or vice versa. [Issue #6 in github]
- Added an informative message to the redcap_data() function when it is unable to establish a secure connection due to an SSL certificate problem. [Issue #6 in github]
- Added examples to the redcap_data() function. [Issue #6 in github]
- Modification of the argument
in the redcap_data() function todelete_pattern
to accurately describe its purpose. [Issue #6 in github] - Added a new argument to the redcap_data() function named
which allows users to specify variables to be removed. [Issue #6 in github]
REDCapDM 0.9-7
Bug fixes
- Error in redcap_data() function while using the API connection to import data. [Solves Issue #4 in github]
REDCapDM 0.9-0
REDCapDM 0.7-0
Changes to functions
The rd_transform() function will now also transform the branching logic in the dictionary into R logic.
The rd_query() will now use the information of the event-form to automatically detect the events where the variables are present.
The rd_query() will now automatically apply the branching logic of the variable before generating queries.
Minor Changes
Remove descriptive variables from the dictionary in the redcap_data() function.
Improve the resulting summary of the rd_query() function.
New error added to the rd_query() function when trying to use a variable that is not in the dataset.
New error added to the rd_query() function when the logic of the filter was using incorrected logic.
The rd_export() function will now create a themed excel file.
REDCapDM 0.5-0
Changes to functions
- New function rd_export() to export the identified queries to an excel file.
- The redcap_data() function can read the relative path to the working directory in the path arguments.
- Now rd_transform() will keep all the labels of the variables in the transformed data. Therefore, the keep_labels argument has been removed.
- rd_transform() now will also return the event_form element in the output.
- New argument exclude_recalc added to the rd_transform() function to exclude specified calculated fields from being recalculated. It may reduce the execution time in projects with complex calculated fields.
- The filter argument in the rd_query() and rd_event() functions now works as a vector so a different filter can be applied to each variable.
- Minor changes to the rd_query() function.
REDCapDM 0.4-0
Changes to functions
- New link argument of the functions rd_query() and rd_event() to generate the link where the query can be found in REDCap. [Solves Issue #2 in github]
REDCapDM 0.3-0
Changes to functions
- The redcap_data() function, when used to read data through an API connection, will automatically read the event-form mapping without specifying the event_path argument. This will only be applied on longitudinal REDCap projects (more than one event).
- Adaption of the rd_transform() function to non-longitudinal REDCap projects which only contain one event.
- The rd_transform() function will now also delete, by default, variables with the pattern “_timestamp” in addition to the “_complete” pattern.
- Change in the names of the categories of the different queries when comparing two reports using the check_queries().
- Creation of a new category of query in the check_queries() output (“Miscorrected”) that represents those queries that are different but belong to the same variable of the same record identifier in both the old and new reports.
- Adaptation of the summary of the check_queries() and rd_event() functions to the RStudio viewer tab.
- Customization of the title of the summary of queries returned by the check_queries() function.
REDCapDM 0.2-0
Changes to functions
- New event_path argument of the function redcap_data() to read the event-form mapping of the REDCap project.
- For all functions except redcap_data() we can now pass a list with the data, dictionary and event in the first argument of the function.
- rd_transform() will now take into account the different events that might be present in the variables of the logic for the recalculation of calculated fields and the evaluation of branching logics. This also applies for rd_rlogic().
- As a consequence of this last improvement that applies in longitudinal REDCap projects (with more than one event) now we have to specify not only the data and dictionary but also the event-form mapping.
- New checkbox_na argument in rd_transform() to specify if the values of the checkbox will be converted to missing not only when the branching logic is missing but also when it’s not fullfilled (if TRUE).
- New by_dag argument in rd_query() to filter the output by each Data Access Group (DAG).
- Summary of the generated queries ( $results ) will now include the event and the type of query and will be displayed in the RStudio viewer tab.
Bug fixes
- The output of the redcap_data() function was not consistent if we read the data using the files exported from REDCap or the API connection. [Solves Issue #1 in github]
- We changed the use of the subset() function by the filter() function because of undesired behaviours of this function when applying a non-existent expression.