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flowchart 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2024-02-06

  • Initial CRAN submission.

flowchart 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2024-04-09

Major changes

  • Added new N= argument in functions as_fc(), fc_filter() and fc_split() to enter the number of rows manually in case that a dataframe is not available.

  • New fc_export() function to export a flowchart in the desired format.

  • Solved bug when performing a split. Now the x-coordinates of the resulting boxes are placed symmetrically around the parent box, not homogeneously distributed across all the space.

Minor changes

  • Added round_digits= argument to fc_filter() and fc_split() functions, which allows to change the number of decimals to round percentages.

  • Added show_zero= argument to fc_split(), which allows to control whether the groups with zero events should be shown in a box or not.

  • Updated description with minimum R version (>= 4.1.0).

flowchart 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-05-10

Major changes

  • Bug in the fc_split() function when splitting by a factor with levels that are not arranged in alphabetical order.

  • Bug in the fc_split() function when performing multiple splits and showing percentages. These percentages were calculated based on the total number of rows, not the total number of rows in each of the groups defined by the previous splits.